When you know deep down that your commitment to work is unsustainable without greater balance and fulfillment.

You’ve been in board rooms, deal rooms, war rooms, and courtrooms.

You know how to get any job done, no matter what’s asked, but when it comes to you and your wellbeing, you’re at a loss. When asked “what do you want” you come up empty because you’ve spent so long striving and achieving others’ goals.

You may find yourself repeatedly wondering late at night - is there another way? Is it possible to feel better in your work and in life, to be kinder and more present in all relationships, and find more balance?

The answer is a resounding YES. There is another way to work and to live. And it begins by getting “unschooled.” You don’t need another certificate or Executive MBA. The journey starts with building a greater connection to yourself so that you can break free from other people’s opinions and goals and finally stop abandoning yourself and your needs.

Bree Johnson

The path to more balanced and rewarding success begins with YOU.

When you realize that you need to make a change, you’re already halfway there. The other half of the work is available with private work + wellbeing mentorship.

With comprehensive wellbeing and conscious leadership training, tools, modules, and retreats, we spend time together working through deep conditioning that has caused you to abandon yourself, identify the roots of it, and heal work wounds, before expanding into a better leader for yourself, your organization, and your loved ones.

Partnering with your own personal Chief Wellness Officer raises the bar on training and development in a way that works for you, your schedule, and your needs. Your goals are unique to you.

Isn’t it time that your wellbeing advisor is too?

Develop a More Authentic Leadership
Moms on a Mission
Ladies Kickin Ass

Is a wellbeing mentor for you?

Consider if you:

  • Feel trapped in a never-ending cycle at work and need fresh tools to elevate your leadership.

  • Yearn for authentic self-care practices to manage your nervous system and boost your effectiveness.

  • Seek inspiration from successful, integrated leadership models with wellbeing in mind.

  • Crave a supportive community of high-achieving women who can inspire and guide you on your transformational journey.

  • Have been limited by conventional thinking and are ready to break free from the constraints of "we've always done it this way."

A private wellbeing mentor will help you heal, grow, and thrive in your professional and personal life.